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Bump3D-Operator  Example 

This operator applies the grayscale-levels of a bump-map
as z-values to an image or 3d-temp-buffer. For good results
the bump-map should be very smooth. Such smooth images can be
easily created using the  Convolve -Operator with the
default 5x5 matrix.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Input       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      input buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      output buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
TRender     ON, OFF                         indicate that the transformed 3d-temp-buffer
                                            is used for the last time and can be modified
                                            directly to conserve both memory and time
Map         STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       bump-map
Amount      integer                         maximum height corresponding to a
                                            grayscale level of 255
NoGround    ON, OFF                         subtract the "ground" (the average) of
                                            the bumpmap to produce only contrast and
                                            no additional translation
Width       pixels                          width of the bump-map
Height      pixels                          height of the bump-map
Aspect      IGNORE, TAKEWIDTH, TAKEHEIGHT   aspect of the bump-map (see  Scale )
OriginX     pixels                          left edge of the bump-map
OriginY     pixels                          top edge of the bump-map
Centre      ON, OFF                         centre the bumpmap inside of the

Because this operator supports the  PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global  Render-Settings -Window.